Sunday, February 7, 2010

Adult learners

There are five advantages adult learners have:
1. Have an independent self-concept and who can direct his or her own learning
2. Have accumulated a reservoir of life experiences that is a rich resource for learning
3. Have learning needs closely related to chang¬ing social roles
4. Is problem-centered and interested in immediate appli¬cation of knowledge
5. Is motivated to learn by internal rather than external factors.(Knowles, 1980)
The adult learner’s interaction with the instructor is based on mutual respect and they have a passion for learning. The adult is more independent and self directing and has the advantage of being able to manipulate the environment so they have the optimum conditions for learning. I have to adjust my work schedule and family activities around school. However, I chose Walden Online classes so I could work at night and on weekends. I am a visual learner and access to the internet at any time makes the research possible when I have the time. The adult learners that need a face to face environment will choose to attend traditional training and increasing their learning experience. The child learner must depend on the instructor to design the curriculum and maybe they will have the optimum training.

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